Town of Raymond Public Calendar
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Table of Contents
- Town Office Holiday Schedule
- Gateway to Raymond Wreaths
- It is time to License Your Dog!
- 2015 Annual Report Online and in the Town Office
- December at the Raymond Village Library
- Level 2 EV Charging Station
- Drug Free Safe Zones
- The Crescent Lake Watershed Grant is Currently Underway!
- Be The Influence Coalition Receives Grant
Town Office Holiday Schedule
- Thursday, December 24th, closing at 12:00pm (noon)
- Friday, December 25th, closed all day
New Year's:
- Thursday, December 31st, closing at 12:00pm (noon)
- Friday, January 1st, closed all day
It is time to License Your Dog!
Please take the time to license your dog now to avoid late fees and fines later.
Cost: $6 for neutered/spayed dogs & $11 for unaltered dogs
Required Document: Updated Rabies Certificate
To license online click HERE.
Rabies Clinic
Put on by Jordan Bay Animal Hospital. The cost will be $10 per vaccine, cash only.
The location is: Dog Gone Grooming and Emily’s Place
1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond, ME 04071
(207) 899-9315
The Town Clerk will be available onsite to license your dog, either cash or checks.
2015 Annual Report Online and in the Town Office
The 2015 Annual Town Report is available online by clicking HERE.
The printed version is available in the Town Office.
December at the Raymond Village Library
At a Glance
- Wednesday, December 2 – LEGO CLUB for ages 6 and up, 3:30 to 4:30pm
- Sunday, December 6 – Weaving a Christmas Bell, 1-4pm
- Wednesday, December 9 – Winter Health with Bees and Herbs, 6:30pm
- Saturday, December 12 – Drop off baked goods for Sale from 3 to 5pm
- Sunday, December 13 – Annual Bake Sale from 10am to 4pm
- Monday, December 14 – Board Meeting at 6pm
- Wednesday, December 16 – Make and Take Craft, after school
- Thursdays, December 17 – Lawyer at the Library from 6 to 7pm
- Thursday, December 24 – Library Closed, Christmas Eve
- Thursday, December 31 – Library Closed, New Years Eve
Students, ages 6 and up, are invited to join us at the monthly LEGO CLUB, on the first Wednesday of each month from 3:30 to 4:30. We supply the space and the LEGOS. Kids just need to come with their friends, ideas, and imaginations.
Weaving a Christmas Bell
Decorate the season with these whimsical woven bells. Beginner and more experienced weavers over 18 years old are welcome. Bring your basket supplies with you: a bucket, scissors, old towel, awl, clothespins, pencil, measuring tape and packing tool, if you have them. The fee is $20 and includes supplies for two bells – one to be completed at home. Please stop by the library to register. Payment must be made at registration.
Winter Health with Bees and Herbs
Once again, Deb Gideon will share with us her knowledge and experience of healthy home remedies just in time for winter. There is Fire cider, Elderberry Elixir, Infused honeys and more! Join us to learn about herbs and honeybee products that can keep you healthy during the cold and flu season. Many herbs and bee products have been used by people around the world for thousands of years to boost the immune system. You’ll sample some delicious “medicine” and take home some recipes to make your own remedies. We ask those planning to attend to sign up at the library, call the library to register or email sally.holt@raymondvillagelibrary.org.
Basket Sale
Our popular gift baskets are now on sale at the library. These baskets are unique and perfect for teachers, as a hostess gift or for that special friend. When you plan your Christmas shopping be sure to come by the Raymond Village Library first. There is a wide variety of unusual baskets from which to choose. They will be available during regular library hours through December until they are all gone.
Annual Bake Sale
On Sunday, December 13 from 10am to 4pm the library will have tables filled with decorative cookies, delicious pastries, yummy pies, breads, candies and all kinds of scrumptious sweets presented in festive wrappings. These goodies will help you cut down on your holiday baking and make thoughtful gifts.
Our unique and reasonably priced Holiday Gift Baskets will be available for sale at this time as well.
Those who are donating items to the Bake Sale are asked to bring them to the library on Saturday, December 12, between 3 and 6pm. This enables those working on the sale to get them priced and arranged for the next day.
Make and Take Craft
After school on Wednesday, December 16 and on the third Wednesday of each month thereafter, there will be a Make and Take Craft fun time at the library for children. This is an easy to-do craft for children to create and take home with them. This is best for ages 5 through 8. For more information, call the library at 655-4283.
Lawyer at the Library
We are pleased to have Attorney Pongratz at the Raymond Village Library on the third Thursday of each month, to meet with people on a drop-in basis to answer legal questions and provide pro-bono advice. We hope our patrons will avail themselves of his expertise from 6 to7pm on Thursday, December 17.
Story Time Hours
There will be no story times the weeks of December 23 and December 30. The children’s programs will resume on January 4, 2016 at 10:30. For more information call the library at 655-4283
Level 2 EV Charging Station
The Town of Raymond is pleased to announce that we have secured a grant from CMP (owned by Iberdrola USA) to install a Level 2 EV Charging Station.
The station, pictured below, is located at the Town Office on the parking lot side adjacent to the rear entrance.
Residents and visitors are encouraged to use the station free of charge.
Please contact Don Willard, Town Manager, at 655-4742 x 131 with any questions.
Drug Free Safe Zones
The Raymond Board of Selectmen voted to unanimously to approve making all of the following properties "Drug Free Zones" pursuant to Title 30-A §3253 – A municipality may designate an area of the municipality that is frequented by minors as a safe zone (as defined under Title 17-A §1101(23) to be an athletic field, park, playground, or recreational facility):
- Crescent Beach – Webbs Mills Rd.
- Raymond Beach – Roosevelt Trail (owned by the State of Maine)
- Tassel Top Park – Roosevelt Trail (owned by the State of Maine)
- Sheri Gagnon Memorial Park – Mill St.
- Raymond Elementary School – Webbs Mills Rd. (owned by RSU #14)
- Jordan Small Middle School – Webbs Mills Rd. (owned by RSU #14)
- Morgan Meadows – Egypt Road and North Raymond Roads
- Patricia Avenue Parcel – Roosevelt Trail
- Farwell Drive Parcel – Egypt Road
This allows law enforcement to double the fines/penalties of any drug related activity within these areas.
Be The Influence Coalition Receives Grant
Hello Coalition members!
Bring your celebratory dancing shoes back out – you, the BTI Coalition, was just awarded a Drug Free Communities Support grant! This means you’ll be receiving $125,000 per year for the next 5 years to help prevent youth substance use in the communities of Windham and Raymond. I’m delighted you all have been awarded this opportunity and can continue full steam ahead with your efforts. As we saw at our last Coalition meeting, with our rapid fire “what are we proud of/grateful for” session, you all are committed to the work, by showing up, following through, creating amazing ideas for programming, and involving all stakeholders. Time and time again I am amazed by your thoughtfulness and dedication and honored to be a part of the BTI Coalition.
Take some time to pat yourselves on the back, do a little dance, and get ready for a great 5 years at working toward preventing and reducing youth substance use in your communities.
Job well done,
Heather Drake, MPH Substance Abuse Prevention Program Coordinator
Public Health Program
50 Lydia Lane, South Portland, Maine 04106