Town of Raymond Community Calendar
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Table of Contents
- No Trash Pick-up December 25th
- RoadRunner December 2019
- NEW TANK-ONLY Septic System Application
- Thank You to Raymond Wreath Contributors!
- Full-Time Recreation Director
No Trash Pick-up December 25th
There will be no trash pick-up on Wednesday, December 25th - Christmas Day. Please hold your trash until the following Wednesday.
NEW TANK-ONLY Septic System Application
New Subsurface Wastewater Program form for TANK ONLY: Form HHE-200A
Available from our list of permit applications in both PDF and fillable formats
Subsurface Waste Water Disposal Permit - PDF TANK ONLY (HHE-200A)
Subsurface Waste Water Disposal Permit - FILLABLE TANK ONLY (HHE-200)
From the State of Maine website: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/environmental-health/plumb/forms.htm
The Town of Raymond is seeking a full-time recreation director. This is a newly created salaried position. Successful applicants must have experience in managing and scheduling recreation programming. The Recreation Director will manage events and activities with an initial focus on parks and beaches. The director must be detail oriented and committed to creating programming to benefit all age groups.
The successful candidate must be energetic, have strong leadership skills, be able to multi-task and have excellent time management skills.
A bachelor’s degree in Recreation Management or the equivalent is preferred. Must have or be able to obtain CPR/First Aid Certification within the first six months of employment. Experience in budgeting and grant writing necessary.
The Town of Raymond offers competitive pay and benefits including medical and dental insurance and a deferred compensation plan. Applications are available by clicking HERE or at the Raymond Town Office. Completed application, cover letter and resume can be emailed to the Human Resource Officer at rita.theriault@raymondmaine.org, faxed to 207-655-3024, or mailed to the Town Office at the address below. All applications must be received by Friday, December 27, 2019.
Attn: Rita Theriault
Human Resource Officer
401 Webbs Mills Road
Raymond, ME 04071
Click HERE for a job description.
The Town of Raymond is an Equal Opportunity Employer.