Town of Raymond Public Calendar
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Table of Contents
- RoadRunner February 2020
- Presidential Primary & Special Referendum Election
- Public Safety Recruitment Incentives
- Town Scholarships Application Now Available
- Videographer Wanted
Public Notice of Site Walk
Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 09:00am
You are hereby notified of the Raymond Planning Board Site Walk at the following location Saturday, February 22, 2020 regarding the following application:
APPLICANT: Port Harbor Holdings I, LLC
LOCATION: 1328 Roosevelt TRL; Map: 050 Lot: 043/000 Zone: LRR1 & Commercial
REASON: Jordan Bay Marina Dock Expansion
The site walk will start at 1328 Roosevelt TRL at approximately 9:00am
The Site Plan Application and the NRPA Application are now available on line: https://www.raymondmaine.org/boards-committees/planning-board/pb-agenda
Presidential Primary & Special Referendum Election
State of Maine
Notice of Presidential Primary and Special Referendum Election
March 3, 2020
Voting Place: Jordan Small Middle School
Voting Place Location: 423 Webbs Mills Rd, Raymond ME 04071
Polls Open at 7:00 A.M. Polls Close at 8:00 P.M.
Absentee Ballot Processing:
Monday, March 2nd at the Town Office beginning at 10am
Tuesday, March 3rd by the Warden at the Polls at 10am, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm
Federal Office to be Voted on:
President of the United States
Question To Be Voted On:
Question 1: People’s Veto – An Act To Protect Maine Children and Students from Preventable Diseases by Repealing Certain Exemptions from the Laws Governing Immunization Requirements
Sample Ballots:
Public Safety Recruitment Incentives
Sign-on and Retention Bonuses
To help retain part-time Public Safety employees the Town of Raymond has
introduced a sign-on and referral bonuses. Anyone who applies as a paid volunteer or part-time employee is
eligible to receive a $500 sign-on bonus, that will be paid out in increments. $100 upon hiring, with successful back-ground
check and phyiscal test. $100 after successful completion of orientation and $300 after one year of employment or
volunteer service and good performance.
Current Raymond full-time and part-time Public Safety
employees that successfully refer individuals will also be eligible for a $200 referral bonus. $100 will be given
when referred person completes the hiring and orientation process. After the referred employee completes one year of
employment, another $100 will be paid. The Town of Raymond is also offereing paid volunteers support for related education
training, financial and retirement planning and stress management options.
For more information or questions, please contact Don Willard, Rita Theriault or Bruce Tupper at
(207) 655-4742.
Town of Raymond Maine
Videographer – Part-Time
The Town of Raymond is looking for a part time Videographer to record committee and Selectmen meetings. Most meetings are held in the evening although occasionally some may be during the day. The candidate must be willing to learn to run a fully digital IPTV broadcast studio. The IPTV station consists of a custom studio control PC and a station control server. The studio control PC runs VMIX live production and streaming software and a fully digital Motu sound mixer. The station control server runs Avmeda broadcast automation software which supports two PEG cable channels (Public and Education). The server also streams live and prerecorded events to YouTube. Previous experience with video broadcast and a good knowledge of the Windows PC environment are essential.
Completed applications and resume should be sent to:
Rita M Theriault
Human Resources Officer
Town of Raymond
401 Webbs Mills Road
Raymond, Maine 04071
or electronically to rita.theriault@raymondmaine.org
Position open until filled
Town of Raymond is an EOE