Establish Committee:
- To choose a committee of volunteers with interests in Raymond's future with basic goal of townspeople choosing its future, rather than evolution doing so.
- Analyze member strengths, interests, ideas to accomplish goal.
- Immediate goals of broadening tax base, creating new jobs, to capture residents and current business operators ideas and dreams and pursue action on those we can influence, build community pride.
- Study and encourage current business operators to expand, and study benefit of choosing Town and business identity.
Original Project Divisions:
- Inventory existing businesses.
- Capacity inventory of local skills, talents, and interests of residents.
- Associational inventory of existing nonprofits and volunteer groups existing within community, their function, capacity, needs and how they can be blended, expanded and work together, benefiting the greater community.
- Idea inventory of local economic opportunities, needs and dreams.
- Inventory of situations which could benefit from grant activity.
- Develop survey material.
Recognition of Current Community Assets:
- On one of Maine's busiest highways.
- Evidence of community pride shown by street lighting project, floral decorated business area highway, Veterans' Park, community website, Town and community support of Library, museum, local volunteer activity.
- A general cooperative spirit.
- A realistic awareness of competitive position in regional area.
- Considerable knowledge of physical environment resulting from CIPIC work.
- Strong current presence of nonprofit and volunteer support.
- Traditional communities careful use of fiscal resources.
- A conviction the community benefits from directing its long term plan from within the community, rather than leave it to outside sources.
Recognize the Three Fundamental Parts to Any Business:
- Is to provide a product or service
- To market idea, product or service.
- To obtain financing for same.
Quick Rule for Pursuing Development Ideas:
- Do you like product or service?
- Can it make a profit?
- Is it a current market?
- Are startup costs low or affordable?
- Is idea manageable by you, or who?