Dear Citizens of Raymond,
In 2007 the Raymond Conservation Commission completed our Natural Resource Inventory which is the first step in our Open Space Plan process. We also collected public input that will help us develop strategies for protecting Raymond’s most special land areas. We participated in Planning Board meetings, provided information to landowners who were concerned about residential development and water quality, and supported the Raymond Waterways Protective Association and the Maine Association of Conservation Commissions.
Land Conservation
During 2007 we continued our work with Raymond’s contract planner Hugh Coxe and completed our natural resource inventory maps for the following categories:
- Recreation (trails, water access)
- Water Quality
- Habitat
- Public Health and Safety (wellhead protection areas, steep slopes, wetlands)
In addition we collected information on Land Productivity (forestry, agriculture) and Scenic and Cultural Resources (ridge tops, historic sites). Mapping was completed using Geographical Information System (GIS) technology which allowed us to identify areas of highest value. With major help from Kevin Woodbrey and Sean Carr we created Conservation Open Spaces, a 20 minute video presentation which began showing on Channel 2 and 3 in early Fall 2007 (check the Cable TV page on the Raymond website for airtimes).
In December 2007 we held an Open Space Workshop that was attended by about 40 Raymond landowners. The objective of the workshop was to gain public input on how the land catagories (or values) that we had mapped should be prioritized. The pie chart shows the results of voting at the workshop and will guide the RCC as we develop strategies for protecting Raymond’s most special land areas. As in prior surveys, land areas that protect lake and pond water quality gained the most votes. However, substantial interest was also noted for recreation, public health and safety, and for plant and animal habitat.
At the May 2006 Town Meeting, it was voted to dedicate all proceeds from Tree Growth Penalties to the Open Space Reserve Fund. Since that meeting we have received one penalty in the amount of $1024.60; no other contributions from the Town have been made to the Fund. The fund balance as of December 13, 2007 was approximately $39,364.60. We established the fund in 2002 with a $20,000 contribution from the Town and requested $20,000 each year through 2006/2007. The requested amounts have been reduced by the budgeting process most years and a $25,000 draw was taken from the fund in 2005 to support the Files parcel purchase (a 70 acre parcel that included the old town landfill). The RCC encourages the Town to protect its most important natural resources so that future generations can enjoy some of what surrounds all of us today; continued regular investment in the fund is crucial to the success of this program.
RWPA Support – Milfoil Management and Watershed Stewardship
In 2007, the RCC helped secure funding to support RWPA’s Executive Director Noralee Raymond and her efforts. RWPA continued to deliver increased lake protection services in 2007 throughout Raymond including a record number of boat inspections for milfoil, a record amount of milfoil removed from Sebago lake and it’s tributaries and stabilizing numerous erosion sites. More information on RWPA is available elsewhere in this report and from Noralee Raymond who can be contacted at For fiscal year 2008/2009, we have requested $15,000 for RWPA for watershed and milfoil management (no increase from 2007/2008). We are very grateful to Noralee Raymond for her dedication to Raymond’s lakes.
While our membership list may look long, many folks are busy these days and our meetings have plenty of room for Raymond landowners to participate. We need active and energetic members to push our efforts forward and to help conservation in Raymond keep pace with the Town’s growth. For more information on RCC projects, contact a member or join us at our meetings which are on the last Tuesday of each month (September through May) in the Broadcast Studio or at the Town Office at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
John Rand, Co-Chair
Elizabeth Algeo, Co-Chair
Kimberly Rowe, Co-Secretary
Ben Severn
Jim Ross
Russ Hutchinson
Bill Fraser
Peter Marcinuk
Mark Gendron
Dave Adams