Jordan Small Middle School Gymnasium
423 Webbs Mills Rd
Raymond ME 04071
401 Webbs Mills Road, Raymond, Maine 04071 - Tel: 207-655-4742 Fax: 207-655-3024
Jordan Small Middle School Gymnasium
423 Webbs Mills Rd
Raymond ME 04071
Raymond Broadcast Studio
423 Webbs Mills Rd
Raymond ME 04071
Videographer: Bill Blood
At the Raymond Broadcast Studio
423 Webbs Mills Rd
Raymond ME 04071
Videographer: Bill Blood & Bill Fraser
At the Broadcast Studio
423 Webbs Mills Rd
Sheri Gagnon Memorial Park
63 Mill St
Raymond ME 04071
10am - Main Street Parade
11am to 2pm - Mill Street Festival
On Facebook at Everybodyheartsraymondme
Organized by the Raymond Revitalization Committee
NOTE: This page is under construction and will eventually have a history of Town Meeting Minutes.
Please sign up to participate in this year’s Everyone ♥s Raymond Festival’s PARADE! Click here for the registration form that you can print and mail ahead of time.