Here is a look at the five main services RWPA provides. RWPA continues to monitor and publish water quality results and trends for all Raymond lakes, has trained technical staff, and maintains a ranger program. The goal is to work with a lake association or committee that represents each lake and helps guide the effort on each lake. We are looking for motivated individuals from each lake to serve on our Board.
Milfoil Protection
- Provide milfoil and invasive aquatic plants education and prevention by conducting boat ramp inspections and annual lake plant surveys, hosting plant ID workshops, and developing milfoil management plans.
Watershed Stewardship
- Assist lake associations in conducting watershed surveys and implementing lake protection projects to document and control erosion and polluted runoff.
Technical Support
- Provide technical support to towns, lake associations and individual landowners on all watershed issues.
- Pursue state, federal, and foundation grant opportunities for watershed and milfoil protection.
Education & Outreach
- Create a directory of contacts for lake associations, road associations, and homeowner associations to provide a “central clearing house” for information sharing between lakes, road associations, and individuals.
- Foster working partnerships with existing state and local watershed protection groups and assist in the formation of lake and road associations on all the lakes and ponds.
- Develop outreach and education programs to promote public awareness of all watershed issues.
Water Quality Monitoring
- Train and coordinate volunteers who monitor lake water quality on all lakes and ponds and publish water quality monitoring data.