Dear Citizens of Raymond,
In 2006 the Raymond Conservation Commission accelerated its natural resource planning work, provided recommendations to the Planning Board for land and water protection near development projects and continued our support of the Raymond Waterways Protective Association (RWPA).
Land Conservation
During 2006 we worked the Town’s contract planner Hugh Coxe to finalize goals for Raymond’s Open Space Plan and we collected electronic and other information to enable us to map our natural resources. We organized the collected information into six different categories:
- Recreation (trails, water access)
- Water Quality
- Habitat
- Land productivity (forestry, agriculture)
- Public Health and Safety (wellhead protection areas, steep slopes, flood plains)
- Scenic and Cultural Resources (ridge tops, historic sites)
During the second half of the year Hugh prepared colorful maps for each category that showed where the highest value areas were located. Using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology allowed us to overlay multiple maps to see what parts of town had the best conservation value. Looking ahead to 2007, we need input from all Raymond landowners on what areas of town you believe are most important. With the inventory of special places and resources nearing completion, our final step will be to develop strategies for how best to protect the most important areas in Raymond.
At the May 2006 Town Meeting, it was voted to dedicate all proceeds from Tree Growth Penalties to the Open Space Reserve Fund. We established the fund in 2002 with a $20,000 contribution from the Town and have requested $20,000 each year through 2006/2007. The requested amounts have been reduced by the budgeting process most years and a $25,000 draw was taken from the fund in 2005 to support the Files parcel purchase (a 70 acre parcel that included the old town landfill). The current fund balance before the May 2007 Town meeting is approximately $37,000. The RCC encourages the Town to protect its most important natural resources so that future generations can enjoy some of what surrounds all of us today; continued regular investment in the fund is crucial to the success of this program.
Finally, the RCC contributed to the Valley View Acres development review process that resulted in approximately 50 acres of land (abutting Morgan Meadow) being donated to the State of Maine. This land provides a valuable increase in habitat and recreation (trail) areas in Raymond as well as a link to Valley Road. The RCC commends the neighbors of this project, the Planning Board, Hugh Coxe and the developer for helping to complete this conservation effort in concert with development.
RWPA Support – Milfoil Management and Watershed Stewardship
In 2006, the RCC helped secure funding to support RWPA’s watershed manager Noralee Raymond and her efforts. RWPA continued to deliver increased lake protection services in 2006 throughout Raymond including a record number of boat inspections for milfoil and stabilizing numerous erosion sites. More information on RWPA can be found elsewhere in the Town Report or by contacting Noralee Raymond at For fiscal year 2007/2008, we have requested $15,000 for RWPA for watershed and milfoil management (no increase from 2006/2007). We are very grateful to Noralee Raymond for her dedication to Raymond’s lakes.
At the end of 2006 we regretfully accepted the resignation of long time RCC member and founder Louise Van Winkle. After helping to launch the RCC in the 1980’s, Louise has faithfully contributed her time and effort not only with concise and accurate minutes but with practical, realistic and experienced council on land and water issues. Thank you Louise!
While our membership list may look long, many folks are busy these days and our meetings have plenty of room for Raymond landowners to participate. We need active and energetic members to push our efforts forward and to help conservation in Raymond keep pace with the Town’s rapid growth. For more information on RCC projects, contact a member or join us at our meetings which are on the last Tuesday of each month (September through May) in the Broadcast Studio or at the Town Office at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
John Rand, Co-Chair
Elizabeth Algeo, Co-Chair
Louise Van Winkle, Co-Secretary
Kimberly Rowe, Co-Secretary
Ben Severn
Jim Ross
Peter Marcinuk
Russ Hutchinson
Mark Gendron
Bill Fraser
Priscilla Rand
Dave Adams