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401 Webbs Mills Road, Raymond, Maine 04071 - Tel: 207-655-4742 Fax: 207-655-3024

Public Safety Videos
Smoke Detectors
Public Works Videos
Brush Cutter
Public Works
General Interest Videos
Raymond Village
Raymond Village
Raymond Village
Age Friendly
Salmon Egg
Survey Results
Age Friendly
Recreation Videos
Raymond Rec
Karate Program
Raymond Rec
Little League


This is needed to consider approval of a Special Town Meeting warrant that would be added to before the February 11, 2025, Select Board Meeting to ask the Town of Raymond if they will approve the easement needed to allow the broadband vendor to add a 400 square foot structure with power poles and solar on our property at the Public Safety Building.  Click HERE for more information.


NEW - JSMS Visioning Committee


  • This is a fairly short-term committee (should be complete in several months) with the task of coming up with conceptual ideas on how the Jordan Small Middle School building could be used when it is given back to the Town of Raymond (scheduled for June of 2027).
  • Information gathered by the Comprehensive Plan Committee will be considered.
  • Looking at uses over the next 10 to 15 years.
  • This committee will not be taking into account the feasibility, nor cost.  These will be for a subsequent committee which will be made up of people with expertise as engineers, builders, technology, finance, etc.
  • Will report recommendations to the Select Board.


Raymond Revaluation is Underway

Raymond Revaluation is Underway


December 2024

Our townwide Revaluation is underway. It starts now and will conclude in the summer of 2026. We have contracted KRT Appraisal of Haverhill, MA, to complete the project.

The Revaluation begins with KRT’s Data Collectors visiting every property in Raymond.  

If you have any doubts at all about these visitors asking to see your property, the KRT personnel will be carrying a letter of introduction from me and the town manager. They’ll have Assessing Office signs on their vehicles and KRT credentials on their person. Follow this link to view photo ID's of the KRT data collection staff currently working in the area.  If in doubt call my office to verify at 655-4742 or the Police Department at 1-800-266-1444.

Their job is to measure every building on every property and to perform a quick inspection of the interiors. In this way, you and we are assured the information used to value your property is accurate. You do not have to allow them on your property, but the information they are gathering and verifying makes an accurate assessment much more likely. 

KRT will be sending postcards out in batches. Once you receive a postcard you can expect a visit within the next 60 days.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Curt Lebel, CMA


COLAB Fiber Update

The Town has been working with with GPCOG, the Maine Connectivity Authority (formerly, ConnectMaine Authority), and Sebago Fiber on getting a fiber ring through Raymond that will eventually allow for a fiber internet connection directly to the home.   For information on the process and where we are headed with it click here: COLAB Update


Fiber Survey

The Town of Raymond needs your input!


Take the Internet Demand Survey Here


For the past several years, the town has been involved with a regional broadband committee with the goals of bringing fast, reliable, and futureproof internet to the region. Many homes and business have no internet connectivity, and most that do must rely on service that may be unreliable or does not serve current needs.


We are working with Sebago Fiber, a local internet service provider, to bring fast, reliable fiber internet to homes and businesses in our community. The first step is for residents and businesses to fill out the demand survey. Areas with the most demand will be built first, so be sure to let us know if you’re interested in service by filling out the survey. Questions can be emailed to

Link to Meet and Greet informational session with Town of Raymond and Sebago Fiber



Volunteer Opportunities!

Looking for a way to get to know how Raymond works and give back to the community?  Here is your opportunity!  We are looking for individuals who would be interested in serving on the following committees:

NEW - JSMS Visioning Committee

Planning Board

Board of Assessment Review

Please click HERE for more information.